

Terms and Privacy Agreement

Terms and Privacy Agreement

This agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which Cibey Infotech (“we”, “our company”) provides its services through compressimagenow.com.

This agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of India, without regard to conflict of law principles. You agree that any legal action relating to this agreement shall be brought exclusively in, and subject to the jurisdiction of, the courts of the Republic of India.

Terms of Use

By accessing and using the services of compressimagenow.com, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • You acknowledge that the use of compressimagenow.com is at your own risk.
  • You are fully responsible for any data that you transmit to the servers of compressimagenow.com.
  • You agree not to use compressimagenow.com to upload any illegal content.
  • You agree not to incorporate the compressimagenow.com service into your own or third-party applications.
  • You are permitted to use compressimagenow.com for both personal and commercial purposes.
  • We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any services offered on compressimagenow.com at any time.
  • We reserve the right to amend the terms of this agreement without prior notice.
  • The services provided by compressimagenow.com are offered without any guarantees.

Privacy Policy

  • Uploaded data and generated files are retained for a maximum of one hour before being permanently deleted.
  • Uploaded data and generated files are not shared or accessed by our company, except when required by law enforcement.
  • To enhance the quality of the compressimagenow.com service, we may collect and analyze metadata related to your requests.
  • Google collects data and uses cookies for ad personalization and measurement on this site. Learn how Google collects and uses data. You can disable ad personalization in your Google account settings. Additionally, we use cookies for statistical purposes. By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies.
